December 27, 2008

being "rebellious" or "anarchist"

since i realized myself the only thing that i m sure about me is always being out of standarts...sometimes i thought that thing is about my genes then i found out that my parents and people(my relatives) who are quiet close to me all normal people who follows the traditions etc..just conservative people becouse of their education and turkish family structure..oftenly most of people didnt approach my opinions kindly or at least mines were not accaptable or logical for them..maybe becouse of i disturb their secret cows...but only thing that i often could do is pay attantion to details(totally unconsciously) and try to approach with unusual ways...and this unusual ways give me different outcomes..
and also i should admit that sometimes i've been anarchist for being anarchist soo it was quiet unvoluable...sometimes i really thought that i m anarchist becouse there was any idea for me to accept and say thats axactly wahat i believe only i feel myself close to nietzche and nihilism(i dont say nietzche is a nihilist)but i discovered that i also can not accept those ideas too becouse there were sth that i dont believe in and accept then i found out my own idea(untill when i donno either) about the ideas and that is i m not an anarchist...anarchism is acknowledged as to be against all ideologies and rules and etc..but nobody realizes its also an mine is taking some opinions from lots of ideas which are logical for me and not accepting any of them..i m not sure how i m right(actully point is not to be right) about that but it is....i guess "rebellious" fits me better then anything..this night i feel like that and we will see what s gonna happen in next darkness....

"purpose" of this blog...

i know this tittle delayed... i guess i had to write down it in the beginning...actually i m not sure about if this blog aims anythin or not...when i decide to open a blog i didnt planned or aimed anythin i just stole that idea a friend of mine and started to write just for write...he reminded me sometimes we should make something which is belong to us permanent for to see how we change and our progress in the sometimes maybe more then sometimes there will be lots of paradoxes which r done by me thats why please dont be stunned or underestimate me becouse there is no human being in the world who doesnt make paradoxes...anyway this are my (probably)daily cahanged opinions...i will be really happy if i get any commend or criticism from any of you...i hope u can find anything interesting or irritating or funny........

December 21, 2008

"karma" yada "ne ekersen onu biçersin"????

karma bir budist ahlak öğretisi/inancı/felsefesi/yada her ne ise olmakla birlikte temelde yaşamınızda yaptıklarınız iyi/kötü sizin ikinci yaşamınızda(reankarnosyon) nasıl bir hayat yaşayacağınız yada ne olacağınızı(kedi, köpek, kuş, hamam böceği, dış kapının mandalı, vites kolu vs) belirlemesi gibi bişi...
yada Earl Hackey nin deyimiyle "do good things good thing happens, do bad things bad thing happens" yani iyi şeyler yaparsan başına iii şeyler kötü şeyler yaparsan başına kötü şeyler gelir mealinde olup bizlere de tanıdık gelen "ne ekersen onu biçersin" öğretisinin budist versiyonudur...
amma velakin bizi ilgilendiren işin ahlaki boyutudur....
şöyleki bu muhterem kavram yada inanç(daha öncede söylediğim gibi her ne zıkkımsa), bizlere kendisini bir ahlak öğretisi olarak sunmaktadır...
fakat bu masumca gözüken iyi bi insan ol ki iyilik göresin felsefesinin masumiyeti kişiden kişiye değişmekle birlikte kanımca pek de muteber değildir...
fazla derinlere inmeden baktığınızda göreceksinizki aslında herşey çıkar amaçlı olup kesinlikle "salt iyilik" temelli olmadığından kanımca pragmatizmin budist versiyonu olmaktan öteye geçemeyecek bir "şey"dir....

edit:"ne ekersen onu biçersin" e ithafen bir kısım aliim yada malum olunmuş zatlar lütfen bu zaten kuran da vardı yada islamiyetten çalınmış esprisini yapmasın budizm islamiyet öncesinde mevcuttu...

edit2:"iyilik yap denize at mahluk bilmezse halik bilir" daha bi manidardır....

December 20, 2008

The Professional Ameteur....

I think many of you finding senseless or wondering why i choose that tittle...
Sure some of you not...
Here the ironi is the "merits"(or demerits) which are included our life are the things like price, consumerizm, media, technology. informatics and etc.. which makes human being vacant faces as indian cow or care some guys' name on our underwear....
Sounds familiar???
We are able to learn and know everything and life asks everyone some professions for to buy the stuffs which is not needed indeed but the point is humans get far away from each other day by day and become soulless creatures like a machine...
Senseless, frosty and ameteur professionals of emptyness...